Design the Future state - Key concepts to develop your new way of working

This short 15-minute course on designing the future state in Lean Six Sigma focuses on teaching individuals and teams how to envision and create improved processes, systems, or products. The course equips participants with the skills and knowledge needed to effectively design and implement a future state that aligns with Lean Six Sigma principles, customer requirements, and organizational goals. It emphasizes the practical aspects of future state design while fostering a culture of continuous improvement and innovation. English narrated video, Workbook, Template and One Point Lesson included!

Riaan Du Plooy | Author Level 5

(0) 0 Students

What you will learn

  • Future state design

  • Simulation and Testing

  • Performance Metrics and Measurement

  • Process Redesign and Improvement

  • Change Management

  • Visualizing the Future State

  • Risk Assessment and Mitigation

Course Content:

Introduction to Designing the Future State:
Understanding the role of the future state in Lean Six Sigma.
The importance of envisioning and designing improved processes.

The Need for Change:
Identifying why a change or improvement is necessary.
Recognizing opportunities for enhancement and optimization.

Project Scope and Objectives:
Defining the scope and specific objectives of the future state design.
Aligning project goals with organizational goals.

Gathering and Analyzing Data:
Collecting data to understand the current state.
Techniques for data analysis and root cause identification.

Customer Focus:
Identifying and prioritizing customer requirements and expectations.
Ensuring the future state aligns with customer needs.

Lean Principles and Tools:
Applying Lean principles to design processes that eliminate waste.
Using Lean tools like Value Stream Mapping to visualize the future state.

Six Sigma Methodologies:
Incorporating Six Sigma techniques for process optimization.
Employing statistical analysis and control methods as needed.

Creativity and Innovation:
Encouraging creativity and innovative thinking in the design process.
Techniques for brainstorming and idea generation.

Process Redesign and Improvement:
Redesigning processes to achieve the desired future state.
Implementing best practices and innovative solutions.

Risk Assessment and Mitigation:
Identifying potential risks and challenges associated with the future state design.
Developing mitigation plans.

Performance Metrics and Measurement:
Defining key performance indicators (KPIs) for the future state.
Establishing measurement systems to track progress.

Visualizing the Future State:
Creating process maps, flowcharts, or mock-ups to visualize the future state.
Building a clear and comprehensive picture of the new process.

Simulation and Testing:
Simulating the future state to identify issues and improvements.
Conducting pilot tests and mock implementations.

Change Management:
Preparing for and managing the changes associated with the new process.
Communication and training strategies.

Implementation Plan:
Developing a detailed plan for implementing the future state.
Identifying responsible parties and timelines.

Monitoring and Control:
Establishing control mechanisms to ensure the future state's stability and sustainability.
Continuously monitoring and making adjustments as necessary.

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Meet Your Instructor

4.6 Rating
149 Students
Author Level 5
121 Courses
About Instructor

Riaan is a dynamic leader, coach, facilitator, Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt with over 20 years of hands-on experience driving business results. Riaan is highly skilled and has worked across diverse industries internationally. With a degree in Chemical Engineering, Riaan started in the major breweries and bakeries in South Africa and was so dedicated to his work that he was often known to take his work home with him.


$ 20.00 $ 27.00

25.93% off
  • Course Duration
    14 min 39 sec
  • Course Level
  • Student Enrolled
  • Language
This Course Includes
  • 14 min 39 sec Video Lectures
  • 0 Quizzes
  • 0 Assignments
  • 0 Downloadable Resources
  • 365 days after the enrollment
  • Certificate of Completion