"How to "Guide/One Point Lesson - Kano Analysis
The Kano Analysis - a theory for product development and customer satisfaction guaranteed!
Template: Selecting the Solution: Criteria Matrix to Select the Best Solution from Multiple Options
Template for using the Criteria Matrix like a champ!
"How to" Guide /One point Lesson - Selecting the Solution - Criteria Matrix
A Guide to help you Select Solutions, also called the Criteria Matrix
Template: 5S: A full Kit of Templates to Create a Culture of Workplace Efficiency & Discipline
Template: 5S: A full suite of Templates to Create a Culture of Workplace Efficiency & Discipline, Includes the 5S Assessment, Planner, Job aid for each phase & Standardize template. The best around, and at a great price!
"How to" Guide/One Point Lesson - Executing and Sustaining 5S
Learn how to implement 5S AND Sustain it. 5S is not cleaning, it's a culture change. Move from Chaos to Greatness!
Template: The Gemba Walk: Let's go see!
Template: The Gemba Walk: Let's go see! Start by implementing these walks, and see the improvement and engagement go up!